The Fog…!!!

A Picture of Fog…

Moving carefully along the main road we edge past the cars and lorries as they move over to let us by. Our blue lights are on and the sirens are bouncing off the sides of the trucks as we slowly sidle past them. Its almost ‘white out’ with a dense fog blanketing all and sundry. Even the street lights cant penetrate the nights companion of mist.

What seems like an eternity we turn off the main roads and head even more slowly along the back roads. There is nothing in front of us…nothing to the side of us…the only visual points of reference are the blue spinkly, spankly lights from our strobes reflecting off the fog. Its like driving through a discotheque made of milk!

Somewhere a few miles head of us awaits our scene. Reports of a ‘two vehicle RTC query injuries’ have sent us driving into the sticks. We are in the countryside away from Big City. Luckily I vaguely know this area from a previous job some years ago. But that was without there being any fog…and in daylight!

The radio is playing up because of the atmospherics and we get occasional transmissions from a Russian trawler! We even hear a transmission from another ambulance service that is at the other end of the country! I follow the edge of the road on my side looking for tell tale signs of road markings denoting a junction as my crew mate stares ahead trying to locate anything that resembles anything.

As we cruise slowly round a bend doing no more than five miles an hour I recognise a wall…the same wall from years ago that had been smashed into by a car. Its loose stones and bricks have been tidied up but the gap still remains where the car went through and into a field. I think we are getting near to the scene. This journey has taken us almost an hour…during the day and in good conditions it should have only taken us twenty minutes.

I’m still looking at the road side when the ambulance lurches to a stop. In front of us, not more than ten feet away, we can just about make out the ghostly shape of a car. Its headlights are still on barely discernible through the fog. If we had been going any faster we would have ploughed straight into it! Pressing ‘Arrived Scene’ on the MDT I zip up my hi-viz jacket and grab the green bag and O2 and make my way towards the car.

It is eerily quiet, except for the diesel engine of our truck ticking over. Everything looks grey with the occasional dash of blue as our lights continue to sparkle in the nights fog. I cant see the other vehicle…and I cant see anyone else…no driver, no passengers, no witnesses. The hairs on the back of my neck start to stand up…I put that down to the cold night air!

Remembering a scene from ‘James Herberts’ ‘The Fog’ I recall the advice given to the townspeople…”Don’t go into the fog! There’s something in there!”   Another couple of steps and I make out the second vehicle, its bonnet crumpled up, the drivers door wide open. I slowly peer into the front of the car…nothing! ‘Where the hell is everybody?’

‘Were here!’  A voice states from behind me. I eventually get myself off the top of the car! Checking that I have not replaced my adrenaline with the brown stuff I move towards the voice. Again after only a couple of feet I come face to face with a woman wrapped up in coat and scarf. ‘Its a bit chilly isn’t it?’  she says matter of fact. ‘One of the drivers is in the house and the other is trying to find his roof rack!’  I quickly ask if everyone is alright and I am shown along a very indistinct path towards the house.

The female driver of the first car is relatively uninjured only complaining of an ache in her back. Meanwhile the other driver has come into the house clutching various bits of roof rack. He too is unscathed. ‘You might as well put the kettle on whilst we sort out the paperwork’ I jokingly say although deep down I could murder a cuppa! Making my way back to the truck I start getting the paperwork ready and let control know that the location is two miles nearer than reported and to relay that onto the Police.

Its amazing that only a matter of feet away is a house with several people inside all talking away and yet we can not hear a thing apart from our own vehicle. The fog has eaten up any surrounding ambient noise. We need to concentrate on the scene and listen out for the Police, or any other vehicles for that matter, as they may come crashing in on top of us!

‘Whats that noise!’  My crew mate leans out of the cab and turns his head to angle his ear to the approaching sound. It sounds like a rattling bottle in a milk crate. It does not make any sense. All I want to do is get the paperwork signed, clear scene and bog off back to base for a drink and some food.

‘Whoaaa!’ My crew mate nearly leaps out of his skin as he pulls away from the cab window. I look carefully past him expecting to see some sort of apparition…but all I see is the lady in the coat and scarf with a big tray of tea and a big plate of biscuits and cake! Teapot, cups and saucers, milk jug and sugar bowl! Apparitions, ghosts, zombies…nothing stops an Ambulanceman from having a cup of tea…and a biscuit!

Lovely Tea & Biscuits

Lovely Tea & Biscuits

 The best job of the shift and ‘Tea…the best drink of the day (night)!’

24 Responses to The Fog…!!!

  1. emsguy64 says:

    MMMM, Tea and biscuits. Even thought I’m a Yank, I’m fond of a good cup of tea.

    This reminds me of a call at the end of a very busy over-night shift. We arrive at the home of a large Hispanic family where grandpa is having difficulty breathing. We go in and are met with the aroma of fresh, home made tortillas. Well, we fix grandpa with an Albuterol nebulizer treatment and get a refusal of transport signed, but we aren’t allowed to leave without taking a dozen of grandma’s lovely, huge, warm tortillas with us. God those were good.

  2. kingmagic says:

    emsguy64…somewhere else on another post in this blog I wrote that as Ambulancemen we are essentially ‘Professional Foragers’. And that means getting wets and scoff down your neck when you can.

    On one job we sat down and had a full chicken dinner (patient was obviously okay and we told control we were doing paperwork but still available). The family were very pleasant.

    Also if we get a takeaway hot sandwich and then get a call before having chance to eat it the vehicle ‘fluid warmers’ come in very handy!

  3. emsguy64 says:

    One of our running jokes is to tell a colleague who is trying to scarf down his/her meal so they can run off to the call that just dropped “Leave a bite for me and I’ll tell you how it was”.

    I swear, local eateries have sensors in the seats that detect EMS worker’s bums and set off the call tones on contact.

  4. Dani says:

    ooohhh, so you have had problems with the fog too. Goodness, you are describing a real peasouper there. Must have been quite unnerving. I’m suprised there were not many more RTC’s.

    And that is so sweet of that lady to bring you out proper tea and biscuits. Makes me heart all warm and fuzzy to know that there are still decent folk out there. 🙂

  5. ‘Professional Foragers’
    I know people just like that, I suspect it comes from never knowing when and where your next meal might be.

  6. Caroline says:

    I was once fumbling to do the combination on a key safe in thick fog when I glanced around to find the (rather elderly, confused) client with his nose pressed up against the other side of his frosted glass front door. I jumped about a foot in the air and screamed so loud my colleague actually wet herself and took off down the path at a dead run – funny how spooked a rational grown up can get …
    Welsh cakes – I get plied with them regularly, they are fab still hot from the griddle – perk of the job :o)

  7. Tony F says:

    I walked into a barbed wire entanglement in dark once. I was on a security blister patrol one dark foggy day, I had a set route to follow, but unbeknown to me, someone had been erecting wire and digging slit trenches for an up and coming exercise. I got so entangled in the fence, I had to undress myself to get away from the wire, then find the torch I had dropped (which of course had gone out) to unpick my clothing from the wire and find the big bunch of keys that I had been carrying. When I got back to the guardroom, someone pointed out that it looked as if I had been dragged through a hedge backwards.

  8. Bendy Girl says:

    What a scary scene you depict so well big bro, but I’m very glad to hear you got tea and biccies!
    You’ll love this one the BYM (who is a traffic officer) had a car crash a couple of weeks ago. He was up and moving around when the paramedics arrived but they quite rightly insisted he was spinal boarded into A&E where he was x-rayed and sent home. He’s now on holiday where he received the phone call from the hospital to let him know he has a fracture at C6. Oops.
    lil sis x

  9. kingmagic says:

    emsguy64…here in the UK all microwaves and electric kettles are known to trigger off station alerters when switched on!

    UHDD…getting proper breaks in the Ambulance Service is nigh on impossible at times. And with working 12 hour shifts our body clocks and digestive systems suffer as a result of meal times being all over the place.

    Caroline…I always check these key safes on the outside of peoples houses before I touch them…some charming little scrotes seem to take great delight in stuffing dog crap inside! What are Welsh cakes?

    Tony F…sods law with the torch! I remember getting my combats torn to shreds when frantically trying to get unbarbed. If I’d taken my time I’d have made less noise and still had most of my combats in good nick!

  10. kingmagic says:

    BG..this is quite common. Sometimes the X rays are re-scanned by a consultant radiologist and these things are picked up. The severity of the # depends on the site. Bet hes careful about shaking his head and nodding though? Big Bro x

  11. kingmagic says:

    Dani…still picking up your comments from my spam catcher thingy! Dont know why?
    The tea and biscuits were very welcome…and scoffed quickly and washed down with the best cuppa for ages!

  12. Emma says:

    Restores your faith in hummanity does it not Magic Man, that there are still people out there that care….xx

  13. Dani says:

    I seriously dont know why my comments get dumped into your spam folder. I have registered with wordpress and everything.

    Maybe your spam filter thinks I’m gonna sell you pills, insurance or something. I must have that type of name. Sorry about that

  14. Tony F says:

    The foggy picture…Wind and Wuthering!

  15. Natalie says:

    Awww, how nice! I couldn’t live without tea. And Canadian biscuits can’t hold a candle to British ones. I used to fill my suitcase with them when I was coming back from a visit to England.

    Btw, I’m such an idiot. I added your blog link to my own blog, except for some reason I added a link to the comments on one of your post, not your actual main page. So I kept checking back, wondering why you hadn’t put up any new posts in ages. For some reason, the light went on this morning. Duh… all fixed now! I’m glad to have all these new posts of yours to read. 🙂

  16. kingmagic says:

    Natalie…have a look at ‘A Nice Cup Of Tea…’ on my blogroll. Good site for the serious purveyor of fine biscuits! My favourite of all time is the ‘chocolate covered orange flavoured HobNob!’ A classic! Worst biscuit of all time = ‘Rich Tea’ a pointless waste of ingredients that tastes of nothing and usually falls into the cup when ‘dunking’!!!

  17. Natalie says:

    I am off to check out “A Nice Cup of Tea”, thank you! My parents were English, and brought me up on those Cadbury chocolate-covered orange sandwich biscuits, which used to be available in Canada (and those Jacob’s ones too, which weren’t bad.) By the time I hit my 20s, the Cadburys had sadly disappeared, although they can probably be found in some English specialty shops. My Dad was a fan of chocolate-covered digestives, but I am ashamed to say he also occasionally bought the DIGSUSTING, WORTHLESS Rich Tea biscuits. Rich CRAP, more like!

    I haven’t had choc-covered orange Hobnobs but they sound divine. Time to go biscuit-shopping online.

  18. Michael Wexler says:

    Dear Kingmagic:

    I love this picture of the fog and am working on a record of the same name… “The Fog.” I would love to incorporate this picture. Can you tell me where you found it or maybe you took it yourself??

    Many thanks,

    Michael Wexler

  19. kingmagic says:

    Michael Wexler…I googled it with a search for ‘foggy pictures’.

  20. tower 200 says:

    Is there customer service available if I require assistance setting this up?

  21. Ruben says:

    It looks like the cover from Genesis’ album Wind and Wuthering. Though I don’t think it is. Nice pic.

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  24. john zimmer says:

    you think about that

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