SWAB holiday video……

August 21, 2007


Skating on Thin Ice…!!!

August 19, 2007

Catching up on the news and stuff I was perusing the Sunday edition of that veritable tabloid of conservative support the Sunday Express, when I espied an article of some interest to my tired and beleagured brain.

With a blinding flash the old neurons kicked into overdrive as I read about the latest in Policing innervations for fighting crime in the south of our once great country.

Police on skateboards!!!  (click for article) 

I have looked at various Police blogs and I,m sure they are in the offing for writing about this new scheme. But in the mean time I thought I would bring it to your attention.

It seems that the thinking behind this is to endear the Forces of Law & Order to the general skateboarding fraternity. This will show the “yoofs” that the Police are cool and have street cred and can “get down with the people”…”innit!”

We in the Ambulance Service have had our own skateboard unit in place for a while now. A very high profile unit of Medical Skateboarders called the Skateboard Health Intervention Team.


Skateboard Health Intervention Team

The team was founded on the 1/04/04.

(click for more details)


Batteries Recharged…For Now!

August 18, 2007

Well I,m back from my hols in the Lake District and glad to rest my weary bones on a decent bed and not be woken up by sheep/crows/kids/typhoon fighter aircraft.


Lake Ullswater, Lake District

Had a fantastic time which I will bore you all with in small doses over the coming week. Suffice to say we got around a fair few places.


I was lucky to get some amazing sightings of the new Typhoon Eurofighter flying low level along the lake. Also was treated to a fair few sorties by RAF Tucanno aircraft.


On Hols…..wahey!!!

August 6, 2007

Going away on hols to recharge the old batteries etc.

Stay safe……Kingmagic