Batteries Recharged…For Now!

Well I,m back from my hols in the Lake District and glad to rest my weary bones on a decent bed and not be woken up by sheep/crows/kids/typhoon fighter aircraft.


Lake Ullswater, Lake District

Had a fantastic time which I will bore you all with in small doses over the coming week. Suffice to say we got around a fair few places.


I was lucky to get some amazing sightings of the new Typhoon Eurofighter flying low level along the lake. Also was treated to a fair few sorties by RAF Tucanno aircraft.


10 Responses to Batteries Recharged…For Now!

  1. Sounds like a good time
    Our old dog never got over being frightened witless by low flying jets in the Lakes, it was never bothered about thunder until one shot past BELOW us, it is an odd sensation to be able to look down on them.
    Mr UHDD is running the Weasdale Horseshoe today, I don’t think visibility will be as good as in your photo.
    Looking forward to more tales from the real world.

  2. […] that is pretty much how it felt! I have often seen low flying RAF planes in the Lake District, as Purple Plus describes here, but should this one have been there? Flying so low over a busy motorway? It was risky,  it […]

  3. Crispy91 says:

    i go to the lake district every easter and i love watching the tornado jets fly over my head and disappear behind a mountain , 2 years ago i was lucky enough to have a jaguar fighter jet fly about 30feet over my head when i was on top of a mountain pitty i didnt have my camera , but yer i agree flying over a motorway so low is abit risky

  4. Frank says:

    I have just proposed to my wife-to-be on the shores of Ullswater, and wanted to buy her a picture of the lake. You have taken a fantastic picture that I would love to use. Any chance of that? Would you like paying? Please email me on if that is possible. Thanks!

  5. kingmagic says:

    Congratulations Frank. The picture of Ullswater is in the public domain as I Googled it.

  6. Jen says:

    My daughter 17 has been asked to paint a picture of a landscape for a young farmers competiton, & having seen your picture of Lake Ullsware on google would like to try it. Would you mind. Thanks

  7. kingmagic says:

    Jen…thanks for asking. No problem.

  8. sandrar says:

    Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.

  9. Andres says:

    I went there with my school and stayed at a place called outward bound. then we went camping up in the mountains, its true lots of RAF’s flying around

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