A Little Bit of Culture…!

After what seems like an age of going into peoples homes (in the loosest meaning of the word) and trying to converse with socially backward amoebas I thought I would post this.

Music trends come and go but classical music has always appealed to me. I was lucky in having a music teacher at school who taught us how to ‘hear’ the music not just ‘listen’ to it. Apart from Mozart I enjoy the genius of Beethoven and Rachmaninov. Oh and of course the Nutty Boys from ‘Maddness’.

This is Mozarts Symphony #40 1st Movement. Enjoy.

3 Responses to A Little Bit of Culture…!

  1. Emma says:

    That was lovely, thanks magic man…xx

  2. Dani says:

    a truly wonderful peice of music, and it deffinatly makes a change form your usual posts. Whats with the japanese subtitles now?

  3. Stonehead says:

    I found this — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q_RXCgtKIg — and immediately wondered how you’d keep a straight face if sent to an incident like this…

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